Watercolor dictionary

Watercolor dictionary


Have you ever wondered what a watercolor is well…



  • A water color is practically just a normal color with a different shade almost like blue and dark blue but water colors are a little bit more complicated than that

  • There are two main watercolor companies called Winsor and Newton

  • there are original colors like brown, blue and more

  • You need to add water to the paint to make it a watercolor, if you don’t the color will just dry out.

Definition /Dictionary


Dilute-adding water to paint in order of lightening the color of the paint 


Intensity-A color’s brightness or strength


Glazing-Adding a thin layers of one color over another color


Layering-Adding color that have been mixed over another color to change its value or intensity


 Value or Tone-The different  from light to dark of a color to find out shadows and highlights of an object


Tint- creating color by adding more water then usually to the original to created a weaker color

Movement- the effect that you get when you let water move around the page


Water into color- where you use water to mix the paint on a pallet onto the paper


Color into water- where you paint the page with water first then add color into it 


Dry brush-a dry brush with little paint and liquid over the paper for texture


Landscape-A large area with little scenery,like a desert landscape


Cool colors-colors that make you think of coldness


Warm colors- colors that make you think of warm places


Atmospheric perspective-Creating the illusion of distance by fading colors and taking away detail.  





Glazing watercolor




Value or tone








Water into color


Color into water


Dry brush




Cool colors


       Warm color


Atmospheric perspective

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