Y9 Drama


 Favourite actor                   Chris rock

Chris rock is one of  my favourite actors and comedian. He is funny and I like that one movie scene he is in its called down to earth. its comdy rated pg-13 not recommended for kids because it has profanity and adultry, but  is mainly about a character named Lance after dying before his time he gets a second shot at life by being placed in the body of a wealthy white businessman.

Here is a youtube short of a quick scene of the movie. link

Chris Rock - IMDb



What have I done this term.


Body language.

This term I learn that you can be funny in many ways one of them is by using your body languages. By doing big face expression so the crowd can see how you feel.

New play.

This term my teacher made a script by using chatgpt. to make a play called The Great Ocean Adventure: A Tale of Pirates, Mermaids, and Plastic Pirates. I play a character named Captain aloysious. My character also has parrot that anoys him. This play for kids to be careful about what they throw rubbish in the sea and to rycycle it. At the end we do a fun dance to dancing queen for kids to dance too.

How to write a script.

To make a script you need a situation like what is happening in the scene and who is it, what is it or where it. You need a setting , characters, a problem and a solution. I used chatgpt to make a small script about to pirates aruging.





                             Clowning and why do we laugh 

Today I am going to explain why we laugh, clowning and why laughing is good for your health.


Why do we laugh ? The reason why we laugh is because we have this thing in our brains called the frontal lobe, which is responsible for our emotional responses. The hormone for laughing is called endorphins.

Why is laughing good for you ? Laughing can help your mental health by changing your mood and can reduce stress, lower blood sugar, blood perssure and so much more.


What do clowns represent ? Clowns are to represent a trickster character in religious ceremonies. Over the years clowns are now seen as a creepy, sinster and scary but are actually a symbolize as a playful and humor.

Clowning Act

I have an idea for a play like clown, shark, octopus or more character and props. I would like to do a play like this


Laughter As Medicine: Clowns Help Hospitalized Kids Cope - Consumer Health News | HealthDay



Today I will be talking about my show called the arrivals.

The Arrivals


This achievement standard requires the devising and performing of a drama.

Achievement Criteria – I would give myself…


Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence
Devise and perform a drama Devise and perform a coherent drama Devise and perform an effective drama.

Audience feedback – yr 11 I liked the message”/  go back to your country”/ Brody – great because .. could be louder / mistakes happened – RESILIENT, got more relaxed – slowed down;


What did we do? FARTTS

  • FOCUS- message
  • ACTION Story: own words [personal arrival]; fish – improvised; used text- taxi; narrator – Maui- mime, dialogue;
  • ROLES- fish, Maui, taxi, you, 3 brothers
  • TIME- freeze, slow motion
  • SPACE use of space eg: in waka & taxis; boxes, entrances & exits; levels

TECHNOLOGY – multimedia- slideshow/ music; props – fish hook, steering wheels; mic; lighting; boxes- & chairs- set


How did we perform? Movement, clear voices, slow pace, mood- emotions; performed as rehearsed


What would I change next time? The props



Matilda- musical theatre ; ensemble- energy, listening danced, sung to backing track, go Bruce; cake – big big cake, little Mrs T- contrast

Other items….


SOMETHING – video funny



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