DNA extraction

On monday we did a experiment on DNA.


One thing I learn from this experiment, is that I know how to extract DNA from a banana.

what can you use dna extraction for? you can use it to study genetic causes of disease.


1..Chop up the banana in half.

2.Put the banana into a bag. Place the banana pieces into a sealable plastic bag.

3.Squash the banana.

4. Add salt to warm water.

5. Add washing up liquid.

6. Pour into the bag.

7. Sieve or something to drain the liquid

8. Pour the drained liquid into a glass.

9. And then stir it up.



How To Extract DNA From Banana At Home - YouTube


Making zombies.

What we did was make a zombie with genes of the zombies.

by the Lowcase s or uppercase S are the alleles to find out what skin colour of the zombie and the phenotype meaning it’s most likey to be white or black.

The way you can out what your zombies is going to look like is the tables and adding the lowercase and uppercase of the alleles of the mother and father.


gene meaning something you from parents

An allele is one of two or more versions of DNA .

genotypes means the genetic makeup of an organism .

Phenotype is  your appearance on the outside like your hair,skin and more.

how to fill out a punnett squares? Have a letter and have to fill out in a table. if its SS or Ss it’s the same but if it’s ss it’s diffrent to them to.

What’s the point of it? To figure out where get your genes and other stuff from your parents.


My zombie:


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