Freedom fighter

This term I am going to learn about freedom fighters. Freedom fighters are people that are fighting for their country or rights in order to overthrow their goverment.

Mahatma Ghandi was a freedom fighter who didn’t believe in violence. here questions of Ghandi protest. 

Ghandi grew up in Porbandar, a town in Gujarat in western India and born on 2 October 1869.

What did his leadership help to gain for India? Indepence from the britain.


What has Gandhi known as in India? He was known in india as Father of India or mahatma.


What were his beliefs? Non-injure to any living things, fasting, vegetarianism and Hinduism.


Where did he study? In London, England.


Where did he get a job as a lawyer? He became a lawyer in South africa


What was he fighting for in India? He was fighting for Indians’ right to vote in a no violence way.

What did he introduce into India?  A peaceful protest.


What challenges occurred when he introduced peaceful protests? 400 people died in the peaceful protest were one of his biggest challenges during the peaceful protest.


What does Boycott mean? Look it up! Means don’t purchase British goods .


Why did he boycott British goods? To independence from distribution goods and service.


What was the Salt March? He marched to Dandi to find salt because the British were making money off the Indians and 240 miles away ,found the salt at dandi beach and people were thrown in prison.


What year was the Indian Independence act?On August 15, 1947.


How did Gandhi die? He was shot on January 30 1948 trying to make peace with pakistan. 


What world leaders did Gandhi inspire years later? After his death Mahatma Ghadi inspired MLK and Nelson Mandela.


Salt march 

The Salt March. This is a march that was done by mahatma Gandhi to stop salt tax.    

The Salt March was one of the most famous early acts of civil disobedience led by Mahatma Gandhi. It was part of India’s protest to gain  independence from Britain. The Salt Act prohibited Indians from collecting or selling salt, forcing them to buy from the British. This was a big problem as the British put a heavy tax on the salt. This hurts Indians as salt is considered a necessity for cooking. His resistance to the Salt Act started a campaign of mass civil disobedience called Satyagraha.


In 1930, Gandhi and 79 of his followers started to walk towards Dandi, a distance of 240 miles. During the 24 days of the march he spoke with thousands of people convincing them to join the march. When he reached the coast he started to collect salt in defiance of the law. Gandhi was arrested along with roughly 60,000 other Indians.


He was released from prison a year later and started to negotiate with Britain. Eventually he agreed to call off the satyagraha in exchange for an equal negotiating role at a conference on India’s future.


Words to Use

Satyagraha, negotiate, independence, 60,000, Mahatma Gandhi, tax, disobedience


My opinion:

In my opinion what Mahatma Gandhi did with the Salt March was brave even though it took him a month. He was probably very tired and sore but he persevered. I think this because he made sure he would not return till he had salt to stop the British government from taxing salt tax. My evidence for this is he was annoyed that the british was chrageing them tax for salt. He wanted to find the salt because he wanted legitmactiy for no salt tax. In conclusion Mahatma Gandhi did this against the salt tax imposed by the British government in India.


Must know words

Today we are doing must know words and school segregation.

Segregation – Racial segregation is the systmatic seoaration of people into racial or other ethnic groups in daily life.

Integration – To bring two or more people to get along .

Racism – Another race not liking another.

Discrimination – The injust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the ground of race,age,sex, or disablility.

Non violent resistance – A peaceful group who don’t believe in violence and do peaceful protest.

Equality – All being treated the same regardless of their skin colour.


Today we did a black civil rights scavenger hunt and after watched what it was like in a America in the 1950s.


Rosa Parks

Name: Rosa Louise McCauley Parks

Born: Rosa parks was born in Tuskegee, Alabama on February 4, 1913 and died in 24 October 2005 in Detroit, Michigan.

Job: Before rosa Parks became a human rights activist, the family moved to Montgomery she went to school and became a seamstress. Then in 1932 Her and her husband joined NAACP to fight for their rights.

Belief/ Faith: Rosa Parks beliefs were equal rights, she wanted freedom.

What did she want for America: Rosa Parks wanted to fight wanted to fight for rights and wanted racial equality.

How did she go about getting it? Rosa Parks is a freedom fighter because she gave people strength for racial equality by refused to give up her seat at the front of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama.This the reason why she is called “the mother of the civil rights movement.”


Beyond the Bus: Rosa Parks' Lifelong Struggle for Justice" | Articles and Essays | Rosa Parks Papers | Digital Collections | Library of Congress

Martin Luther King Jr

Name: Martin Luther King Jr.

Born: 15 of january in 1929.

Place of birth:Atlanta,Georgia, Untied States.

Death/When:At the age of 39, Martin Luther King Jr was Assassinated on the 4th of april, 1968 in the a Lorraine Motel in Memphis , tennessee, Untied States.

Job: Before he became a civil rights movement he was pastor in Montgomery, Alabama.

Belie/faith: He believe in god and freedom

Who inspired him and now? Mahatma gahandi inspired MLK because of doing a non-violent protest.

what did he want for america? He wanted people of colour freedom and not being treated as second class citizens.

how did he go about getting? He protested and marched

why is he a freedom firghter? because he gave freedom to people of colour in america and inspired people the and now.


My Holiday Essay

In the holidays I went to the movies . The movie I went to go watch was Godzilla x Kong with my family. During the movie I had a popcorn with coke drink.

The movie was amazing easliy could be best movie of the year in my opinion because I love movies like these and how everything was lineing up together in the movie.Thats all I did basically in the holidays went to go watch a movie called Godzilla x Kong.


today I was working on my pari haka work.


Today I did a doc about Sources and reliability.


Here is a link of my Canva poster of Parihaka


Parihaka commemorations remember peaceful resistance | Stuff

my biography of Parihaka.

Te Whiti-O-Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi

Name ? Te Whiti-O-Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi

Born? Te Whiti-O-Rongomai was born in 1830 and Tohu Kākahi was born in 22 January 1828.

Place of birth ? Tohu places of birth was puke tapu and Te Whiti was combined with Taranaki and Te Āti Awa.

Job ? Tohu was a prophet and central figure while Te Whiti job was a spiritual leader and founder of the village of Parihaka.

Belief/Faith Te Whiti-O-Rongomai was a mix between traditional maori vaules and knowledge while Tohu belief was the same.

The causes of the event ?

The cause of parihaka was a long term from 1881 to 1898 of war with pakeha, fighting for their land from being taken.parihaka began with the British and the people of parihaka not agreeing with one another about the british taking their land.

Happened ?

Both leaders Te Whiti and Tohu wanted the land not being over taken by the goverment.

The both leaders were willing to fight from being stolen. But Later on when Te whiti and Tohu protesting against led by them, with a non – violent protest against Britain over land rights. They were told by the one of their own leaders that they were a threat and they have to attack. Both leaders that led the protest were arrested.

Tohu and Te whiti were imprison in chrischurch. While there, the executives show them there new technology in the factories trying to change their mind.  The were both later released and went back to Parihaka we rebuild back togather.




After the events of  Parihaka was effected in a somewhat good way by the people fighting back for the land but 1600 troops raided Parihaka and arrested the leaders.

Parihaka flag. The white feathers in the children’s hair are known as the raukura.

Flag, Parihaka - Puke Ariki


today I did work about Parihaka


Dawn raids pro

Today I did a quiz on a the dawn raids.


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