PE athletics

Today I will talk about how athletics day was canceled and how I did by partisipateing in high jump, long jump, disscus,shotput and 100m sprints.

My resaults:

  • In Disscus I got 17.3.
  • For Shot put I got 6.5.
  • Long jump I got a 1.
  • The rest got a 0


The weather was rainy. It was hard to do it in the rain so it was canceled because of the rain. So we had to go back to class and get on with our school work

I felt good when I did disscus because I came in the top 5 in my class during PE.

someone that surprised me was Kahu when throw the shotput far and came in second during P.E.  

My friend renz did well in 100m sprints because he was tired but then tied up with first place. 

One thing that I could have done was try more in long jump

The highlight of my day was walking around school, talking to my friends and doing no work

Next year I hope to achieve disscus and partisipate in all of the athletics .

One thought on “PE athletics

  1. Kia ora Sione
    Well done on posting your athletics blog. It was very surprising that athletics was cancelled…twice! This has never happened before in all my years of teaching.
    Thanks for listing the athletics events that you signed up for and the results that you achieved in class. You do very well at athletics.
    Kahu did great in shot put and Renz is a super sprinter.
    Let’s hope for better weather next year and a good performance in your long jump.
    Mrs Hastie

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